Sunday, June 24, 2007

"art for more" in a national mental health conference

Well, some more news from us...
On the 18th of June, "art for more" took part in the national conference of private organisations active within the programme of Psihargos (de-institunionalisation of mental health service users). The event was held in Pantios University, Athens and a number of academics and professionals in mental health issues were invited to discuss interesting topics about the effectiveness of Psihargos and the organisations applying it.
We were at the last session, dedicated to the exchanges of good practices, where we presented our project through a presentation that involved a video and a talk from us. It was an honour for us to be asked by EDRA to present our project and it felt really good when at the end of or presentation professionals came to congradulate us and ask us more about our activities and youth in action.
Regards to all,
Isa and Miranda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey girls!
I was there at the conference and I have to honestly say thank god you were there as well. Anothr conference with a lot bla bla bla bla, people being tired from the last moment and clapping hands at the end of each speach while checking their watches! At the end, although it was only a few people left, I felt their clapping towards your presentation as a real calpping, not to mention a few participants staying with their mouth open because of your effort with the proejct and the level of your Greek!!!